Workshop: Sacred Routine Playshop

From 01/28/17 2:00 pm until 01/28/17 5:00 pm

At Forest Grove Physical Therapy

Posted by Super User

Categories: Routine Playshops - Public, Classic Nia, Classes, Trainings, Nia Workshops - Public

Hits: 6478

SACRED Jan Flyer 2017



Looking to deepen your Nia experience? Embody the moves to Sacred, one of Nia's newest routine releases.

Via the Nia Tecnhique: "The focus of Sacred is the Bones. The intent is to drop in under our skin to experience our 207 bones in order to relax. The sacral and cranial bones will be our featured guideposts, as they are the endpoints of our spine..."

Take an afternoon for yourself, connect to the music, movement and magic of Nia. Laurie and Fred will introduce you to the moves, simplify and build the patterns in a playful way. Then, we'll dance the routine.

Open to everybody.

Cost:  $35 pre-register $40 day of

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Laurie with questions, pre-register on-line or at class .