Nia FUNdamentals mini-Workshop

From 10/26/18 9:30 am until 10/26/18 11:00 am

At EYEM Holistic Studio

Posted by Super User

Categories: Classic Nia, Classes, Trainings, Nia Workshops - Public

Hits: 4753

nia 52 moves


Strengthen your Nia FUNdamentals!
Both new and seasoned students will feel more confident and creative as we playfully immerse in the FUNdamentals of Nia. Learn to deepen whole-body connection by focusing on the base moves first, then layer core and upper body. Receive movement details and tips to learn + improve your knowledge of Nia’s 52 Moves.

Open to everybody.

Cost:  $20 | Pre-Register Now
or $25 at the door

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Laurie with questions.