
Yoga ~ Hillsboro

From 06/09/19 10:15 am until 06/09/19 11:30 am
Posted by Super User
Categories: Classes, Yoga
Hits: 2806


Yoga: “Union of body and mind.”
Yoga is an ancient healing art of blending body, mind and breath.  It cultivates strength and flexibility through the alignment of physical postures (asanas), centers the mind through presence; and honor’s each unique spirit. You'll love the benefits of a weekly, inspiring yoga practice, a warm, inviting community and soft, comfy floors for your barefeet!

Class Term Dates:

FREE CLASS on JUNE 9, 2019

8-Week Class Series: June 23 to August 25,  2019 (no class June 30 or July 28)

Pre-register: Yoga Series $80 | Single Cash Drop-in $12 | Pre-Register: Nia/Yoga Combo $140

Upstairs studio. Either e-mail me, arrive 15 minutes early to register. If you miss a class, you are free to bring a friend to "make up" or to attend the Nia class preceding at 9AM taught by Laurie, or another yoga class during the week.  I do offer a special Nia/Yoga Sunday morning class combo.  Either pre-register with the link, bring cash or make checks payable to Laurie Bass.

Also available: Private & Therapeutic Yoga
Private yoga sessions designed with your specific needs in mind.  Whether it is an introduction to yoga basics, a practice designed to heal from injury or special need, or to deepen your experience. Contact me to tailor a session for you.