
White Belt Training

From 05/13/15 11:29 am until 11/29/-1 4:07 pm
Hits: 332
About the Nia White Belt The Nia White Belt Training is the first level of a five-belt training series that presents a body-centered approach to health, wellness and fitness. If you have a desire to share Nia in a professional capacity, the White Belt Training is your entryway into teaching. Those who choose to pursue the path of personal enrichment use this training as a starting point for becoming a master student. Over the course of one week, you will comprehensively explore physical sensation through five core-competency areas of study including movement, music, anatomy, science and philosophy. This joyful journey into the self is instrumental in helping you develop body knowing by learning to listen, interpret and consciously respond to the information your body communicates to you via sensation. Enroll in an upcoming training today, and positively shape the way you feel, look, think and live. Upon graduation, you are eligible to become a livelihood member. As a livelihood member, you obtain a teaching license (whether you decide to use it or not) and have exclusive access to an in-depth continuing education program, an online forum, and special benefits and privileges. You may enroll in the Green Belt Training - which is dedicated to the craft of teaching - at any time after completing your White Belt Training. You may also enroll in the next level of training, Blue Belt Training.